Sunday, July 12, 2009

Song of the Week 7/10/09

Bob Welch - "Sentimental Lady"

WCBS-FM here in New York did their (what now seems go be) annual Fourth of July trip through the alphabet last week. This year it had twist--Z to A instead of regular alphabetical order. Even backwards, it's still the coolest thing on commercial radio. I heard tons of songs that made me think, "Damn, I should make sure that own this song, and download it if I don't." So this year I used the handy note feature on the iPhone to keep track of what I wanted. And this hit single from the former Fleetwood Mac singer-guitarist was at the top of the list. It's a smooth rock gem from 1978 that I remember all the lyrics to 31 years later.

Wow, my brain has a lot of worthless crap in it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

so smooth